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Indu  Ahuja

Indu Ahuja

Leadership Coach
Life Coach
Career Coach


I am Indu Ahuja, a perpetually curious individual, characterized by pragmatism and a firm belief in embracing life as it unfolds naturally. An adventurous spirit who is still navigating through life's Journey and possesses an insatiable curiosity and a strong desire to explore the world around her.

In my Coaching journey I am working towards my ICF credentials however, I am a Gallup Certified Strengths® Coach with over 250 hours of Executive Coaching experience. In addition, I also have certifications from Vyaktitva as an Instructional Designer and from Kathalaya's International Academy of Storytelling and Kathalaya Trust as a storyteller.

Through my Strengths-based coaching, I empower people to discover the value of their unique Strengths so they can become more engaged, be more productive, build stronger relationships, and authentically show up in their personal and professional lives.

I partner with leaders, executives, and high achievers from various fields, empowering them to unlock their true potential and propelling them forward.  

With over two decades of work experience in Coaching, Designing Learning Solutions and delivering training programs across various industries and segments. 


250+ Coaching

45 Coach Training Hrs.

Base level coach

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