Parineeta Mehra

Leadership Coach
Life Coach

Parineeta has worked as a senior coach, facilitator and consultant with a number of Global Organizations. A mature professional, her understanding of the Business and the ability to view it differently enables teams to work effectively towards desired business growth.  In addition to her credentials, she has worked closely with Leadership Team/s to help align Talent Development processes to support organizational needs. 

Prior to setting up her own practice 6 years ago, Parineeta spent 24 years in senior roles, leading projects that have given her a deep appreciation for the contribution people and culture have in making Teams successful and in creating value long term. She has also guided teams in leading them through change. In summation, whilst Coaching and Facilitation comes with ease, her ability to collaborate well, engage with people effectively and simplify communication helps create an edge in the programs and interventions she engages in and delivers.     Parineeta is passionate about supporting leaders to “do leadership inside out”; being a genuine leader is often in tension to progressing one’s career. She makes this possible by encouraging them to be congruent, develop a leadership voice, have a compelling story of the change being sought and by creating leadership capability in the people they wish to lead.       

Her focus is always on how the work the individual helps team create value - connecting this to how that’s measured in the outside world - via competitive advantage, and sustainable outcomes. She is particularly interested in communication and decision-making in an ever-more volatile world and the role diverse teams play in avoiding group think and succumbing to the pressures of short-termism. She brings a high degree of presence, energy and a sense of potential and possibility such that her clients are able to step into the next level of their being/growth.         

"As individuals, we all face the same anxieties, fears, challenges and joys as everyone else. Some people worry about being judged for who they are and how they lead their lives. " I support my clients through their journeys right from managing leadership change, career shifts & beyond. They learn to handle life challenges with clarity, courage and confidence such that they show up as whole, complete and perfect individuals in who and how they are in themselves. 


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