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My Journey from Being to Becoming

My Journey from Being to Becoming

Published By: Archana Sivaraman
Published On: 30 Sep 2023 10:41:15 PM

My Journey from Being to Becoming

My journey from being to becoming 

Have you ever felt stuck? A few years ago, I was feeling stuck in my career. I reflected on my 14 years of corporate career. Supporting my family financially was one of the biggest drivers early on in my career. However, I did not stress myself about that. I lived my life to my satisfaction. I also learnt, improved and gave my best at work. I kept going but did not pause to think why I was doing what I have been doing in my career. I had allowed myself to reach a point where I was deeply dissatisfied with what I was doing.

I was on my quest to discover and do something that I hold a deeper meaning to. I had no clue about what it would be for me. I heard people talking about their passion. I liked doing a number of things. Whatever I do, I make a conscious effort to do it well; but I would not call it my passion. I wondered if it is necessary that everyone needs to have a passion!

As I continued my search, my reflections and conversations helped me realize that what I have enjoyed the most are meeting people, having conversations with them and helping them. How do I make it as a career? I had no idea. I spoke to my well-wishers; I researched; I reflected on what would interest me. Of the different careers that help people, coaching resonated with me.

Mahatma Gandhi said, “The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others”.

I joined the CTT coach certification program. A few weeks into the program, I felt good that I made this decision to leave my corporate career and become a coach. The journey to become a coach has been filled with new learning and perspectives:

1. Getting out of my comfort zone of a steady monthly salaried corporate job was not easy. When I actually did that, I felt a huge relief and also a sense of freedom to do what I would like when I want it.

2. Though I introspect and focus on improving myself, the conversations during my coach training gave me new directions to introspect and develop myself as a person. One of the biggest developments for me is to accept people as they are.

3. Over the past few months, I have learnt to emotionally disconnect when my clients share something that’s close to me. As a result, I have been able to better serve my clients.

4. I have become better not only in listening to what is being said verbally but also observing the non verbal cues such as body language, change in tone of the voice and facial expressions.

5. The beauty of coaching for me is that it has helped me to explore the unknown by serving clients from diverse fields, which are unrelated to my corporate experience.

6. It has been exciting to meet so many new people from diverse walks of life. I have learnt to build trust and co-create a safe space through active listening and being empathetic.

In conclusion, my journey of being to becoming has been exciting with new perspectives and fulfilling with the opportunity to serve others.

About the Author

Archana Sivaraman

Associate certified coach with 14 years of IT experience in  data analytics, leading teams and demonstrated experience of serving clients in Asia, Europe and Australia.

Passionate about helping individuals overcome their challenges, unleash their potential and grow personally and professionally..


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