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A conversation between a CoachnCoachee

A conversation between a CoachnCoachee

Published By: Deep Ahuja Sharma
Published On: 30 Sep 2023 11:21:18 PM

A conversation between a CoachnCoachee

In this blog Deep Ahuja Sharma, Founder CoachnCoachee explores Who is a Coach, how coaching enables Coachees and the transformational process of Coaching in a creative way through her innate potential of thinking in Acronyms and conveying complex things in poetic manner. We hope that you enjoy the read and write to her your feedback on deepahujasharma@coachncoachee.com

Who is a COACH in my view

C - C.O.M.P.A.S.S.I.O.N.ate Listener

O - Outcome driven

A - Awareness Enabler

C - Catalyst for Growth

H - Holistic thinking Partner

"All the world's a stage and we are merely the players"- inspired by Shakespeare

And, I enable my clients to play every part effectively on that stage! How?

I ask them questions and listen to their script attentively,
I wonder what's playing under,
I get to know which part is being held tightly, loosely and which one they play with a sense of surrender.

I listen in to their emotions, beliefs,
values aspirations and assumptions.
I look at them and enquire
what makes them come alive?
what brings them into flow?
where exactly do they thrive?

When they are up on the stage,
they might not instantly discover the learnings on that life's page
When I ask, they acknowledge every performance comes with a learning
they need to gauge.

They express their Goal that they wish to accomplish in that role,
sometimes remembering, other times forgetting the whole
I am no sage on the stage rather a holistic thinking partner
inviting them to claim their presence,
as their being and doing
may not only inspire the audience,
but also their co actors, even the director.

As everyone wishes to own that stage ????
with Grace, Grit and Gravitas.
I let them realise their potential
reflect with a moment of pause.

When I offer some zoomed in & out lenses,
they see themselves clearly without biases.
While they see their part and others with a detached view,
it allows them the space to re -write or review.
They praise their perfections and embrace their imperfections.

Gradually, their role in this big story emerges,
they stay joyous while putting up the shows,
let go of the interferences,
make meaningful appearances.

They realise none is flawless,
they gain self- confidence,
choose to stay happy,
loose any need of dependence.

They play their parts well and
recognise others can, as well
Then, when life happens,
they draw out the message from the mess.
Make use of the information upon sitting with every emotion.

Hence, I don't choose to offer them a helping hand, bandage or lotion.
Because it's their role, their story, their stage..
They can play it better than us all.

And I know, by holding the space for some more perspectives,
they would gradually know.
find their way for every role they play
with some discerning take away.

They choose their pace,
afterall life is just a stage
not a race
They make life happen
They embrace their uniqueness
And unleash their Magnificence.

- By Deep Ahuja Sharma

While playing the role of a coach, a coach mentor, a poet, a facilitator, a creator, a mother, a daughter, a partner & more.. Gratitude to the biggest mentor- 'this world a stage', where I am merely a player!

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About the Author

Transformational Leadership coach | Facilitator | Woman Achiever in Entrepreneurship

I am a Transformational Leadership coach and Global Facilitator, enabling professionals to LEAD and thrive. At TPC Leadership, as a Managing Partner, I am celebrating Women Achiever in Entrepreneurship Award 2018-19. I am a Facilitator for Transformational Leadership Coaching ICF ACTP 142 Hours program with 200 plus coaches trained in India and oversees. I like to bring creativity to everything I undertake. I am a poet, podcaster and writer at heart who deeply connects with the Core of others. Being a co Author & Editor to the Books- Coaching Mantras and a Poetic journey called Elephantism and contributor to Emotions and Unfurling my heart. With almost 2 decades of experience, I am passionate about supporting Professionals from all walks of life, from top to bottom.

Having served thousands of leaders from the likes of IIM, Rolls Royce, Kronos etc.. , ICF MCC, a member of global Facilitation community. Being a certified train the trainer from Dale Carnegie & instruction designer. Facilitating various programs for global leaders & their teams. I believe that being a Coach & Facilitator, anyone can lead diverse & inclusive workspace easily & effortlessly to drive results that truly matter. I am on a mission to enable leaders build a coaching & facilitation muscle too. 

I find myself as a 'Gardener' who is sowing the seeds of self-belief and removing the weeds of self-doubt, for the plants (the people) and garden (the organization) both may flourish.

Mother to a ten-year-old, I live with a family of seven with two generations who leave no stone unturned to train myself about Life skills daily!

Travelled to parts of all continents- where Fiji & Hawaii are my favourite island destinations Oceania and Americas.

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